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Welcome to Swing High

We are a grassroots organization that operates through receiving grants, fundraising events, monetary and in-kind donations.

Girl Gazing

Our Mission

At Swing High Foundation our mission is to become a staple in low income and underserved communities in the City of Chicago. Our purpose is to help at-risk teens and young adults that are parents develop life skills that will positively 

impact their lives.

Young Female Student

Our Vision

Our goal is to equip our youth with essential life skills. We will provide classes, workshops, educational resources, and certification programs. These tools will enhance the participants with information and guidance as they continue on their journey for success.

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Meet The Founder

I created Swing High Foundation because I was a teen mom in the City of Chicago with minimal support. I understand firsthand the challenges that arise being a teenage mother. There are limited opportunities and options when someone does not have basic life skills and general education. I believe in a life of service. It is very important to me that we provide a safe space where young people can be uplifted and free from judgement. I have learned how balance, time management, and accountability for one’s actions are essential qualities for your life. It is my goal to impart these tools into our youth so that they can become progressive, thriving members of society.

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